Refurbishing and supplying high-quality new and second-hand IT equipment since 2008.
Refurbishing and supplying high-quality new and second-hand IT equipment since 2008.
The Board of Directors at Nanosoft Corporation Ltd holds ultimate responsibility for our human rights policy, including our commitment to addressing modern slavery and human trafficking. Ethical and compliance risks, including those related to human rights, modern slavery, and human trafficking, are routinely reviewed during our Management Review Meetings. Our leadership team is responsible for upholding these commitments across all contracts, ensuring the identification, prevention, and mitigation of any adverse human rights impacts resulting from our operations, as well as those of our customers and supply chain.
Supply Chain:
Our supply chain is primarily UK-based and consists of a limited number of suppliers, all of which are held to the same rigorous modern slavery compliance standards. The majority of our key suppliers operate within structured markets, providing services such as IT and energy. We assess our exposure to modern slavery risk within the supply chain as very low. Nevertheless, we continuously work to ensure that our suppliers uphold these high standards.
We expect all suppliers to have robust human rights, modern slavery, and human trafficking policies in place and to ensure these policies extend to their own suppliers. Compliance with these expectations is assured through a stringent procurement process.
Combating Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking, and Child Labour:
Nanosoft Corporation Ltd is committed to ensuring that all management teams are trained to recognize the risks and signs of modern slavery, human trafficking, and child labour. Additionally, every employee will undergo an induction that includes awareness training on modern slavery and our policy expectations.
To ensure compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and to prevent modern slavery, human trafficking, and child labour, we will:
· Implement labour monitoring procedures, including right-to-work documentation checks and payroll audits.
These procedures are designed to identify and assess risk areas, reduce the occurrence of modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chain, and provide appropriate protections for whistle-blowers.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Nanosoft Corporation Ltd’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31st May 2025.
This Modern Slavery Statement Protection Policy has been approved & authorised
Nanosoft Corporation Limited
Essex, England, United Kingdom
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